Monday, July 26, 2010

here we go!

so it's been a year and three days since we started trying to have a baby (this will be month 13 of trying). i know this because i was hired on the third thursday in july last year and i have a "go to date" option on my phone calendar.

so after all this time and surgery and many other garbage-y things (including a false positive pregnancy test in april - don't use blue line tests! only pink!), i just got off the phone with a girl in st. louis who gave me my time line for ivf, and i cried immediately after i hung up. it's terrifying and it's a relief all in one.

we are trying iui this one last time, so we will find out if that worked around august 12. if not, i start birth control then and continue through early september.

i also will start suppressing shots in early september. these basically shut everything down. around september 10 i start stimulating shots, which kick start everything that was shut down.

september 20 is the tentative egg retrieval date. this is a surgical procedure and i have to be sedated. no biggie. it can't be as bad as my surgery in february. they will call me three days after that (september 20 would be day zero, so they call on day three) and let me know if any and how many fertilized and are little growing babies.

the embryo transfer will either be on that day or two days later when the babies have grown a bit more, so anywhere from september 23-25.

two weeks later, i have a blood test done to see if the baby/babies implanted and is/are growing healthy.

i do want to ask for prayer for our decision making. with ivf, you can limit the number of eggs that they attempt to fertilize and thus limit the number of babies that have to be frozen to wait on you. (they say embryos at the doctor, but realistically, they are babies.) so anyway, we are just mulling all of these things over and thinking about birth rates for "fresh" embryo transfer, birth rates for frozen embryo transfer, the effect my endometriosis might have on the whole process, and what we can do to ensure that all of our babies - if there are even that many or any at all - get the best chance at life.

big things are happening!

if you are interested, here are the stats for the clinic we are going to:
fresh cycles

frozen cycles


  1. praying praying praying!!!! this is very exciting! gooooood deal! (and I don't think I knew you had a positive preg test.... that sucks!) well, sucks it was positive but not really positive

  2. i know - i didn't tell anyone when it happened because i was pretty skeptical. i'm surprised i wasn't on the phone with the manufacturer lol but i didn't call.
